Meet Dr. Damien Hunter, DMD, Gainesville Dentist
What is your name?
Damien Jesus Hunter
Where were you born?
Gainesville, Florida
Where did you grow up?
All over Florida
Where did you go to dental school?
University of Florida
What did you study before dentistry?
Nutrition at UF
How did you know you wanted to be a dentist?
I worked a lot of jobs before making this decision. Flipping burgers, Land clearing, pitching watermelons, laying sod…I’m glad I had the opportunity to work these jobs. However, at some point a few years after high school, I decided to take the leap and go to school full time. First I thought I wanted to be a physical education teacher, but after 1 year of substitute teaching I realized that I still had not figured out what I really wanted to do for a living. I got some advice to think about what I enjoyed as a child and I loved going to the dentist when I was a kid. So I decided to visit some dental offices. I volunteered, and the more I was around it the more I loved it. I loved meeting new people. Helping them out was like nothing I had done before. Now, a decade later I can say a career in dentistry is the perfect fit.
Where have you practiced dentistry before starting Hunter Family Dentistry?
I have worked in a variety of settings. I have worked in a few private practices, a rural not-for-profit clinic, and with the Federal Government.
Why did you open Hunter Family Dentistry?
It was either this or a sporting goods store (just kidding). I worked as a dentist at a few other offices. At one point, I thought I was going to buy in to an existing practice. In the end this was the very best option and I went for it.
Hunter Family 2021
Tell us about your family.
In the year 2000, Beth and I got married in a small ceremony in Live Oak, Fl. We have 5 children. Our first was born in 2003 and our last in 2011.
What are you known for professionally?
“Man, that shot didn’t even hurt!” and “You’re done already?” are words I hear daily. I am known among my patients for putting them at ease and for completing tasks quickly and gently.
What are you passionate about professionally?
I am passionate about making sure that each person that I come in contact with is satisfied with my work. If they are not, I know I have not done my job. I enjoy meeting new people, learning new procedures and learning new ways of doing things. I enjoy seeing people from all walks of life and of all ages. If you want me to look in your mouth, I’m there!
Do you volunteer?
I have volunteered with Gainesville Community Ministries, The Baptist Dental Van, and as Courtesy Faculty for the University of Florida.
Hunter Family Summer 2019
What’s your favorite way to spend the weekend?
Doing fun stuff with my family. I love an adventure.